Churches of all kinds are currently experiencing unprecedented changes.
These resources help highlight some of the changes, challenges, and opportunities facing Unity on the North Shore.


Links to Articles about Church Growth and Change 

The Great Reset: 7 (Real) Reasons People STILL Aren’t Coming Back to Church

America's Youth Are Religious. They're Spiritual. But They Don't Trust Institutions.

New Exodus? 4 Reasons So May People (Including Christians) Have Suddenly Left The Church

Are Churches Behaving Like Malls In The Age Of Amazon, Just Hoping For People To Shop Again?

7 Ways to Respond As People Attend Church Less Often

​10 Predictions About The Future Church And Shifting Attendance Patterns

11 Traits Of Churches That Will Impact The Future

3 Shocking Statistics That Show How Quickly, Radically (And Permanently?) Church Has Changed Since 2020

Also of Interest......

Video clip of Trevor Noah speaking about his rationale for switching up The Daily Show, and using the pandemic as an opportunity to completely re-think how we do things: ​