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Stuck on an elevator with a new neighbor I tried striking up a conversation about our recent temperature fluctuations.

"I don't even think in Fahrenheit," they said. "Only Celsius."

It' an approach well-suited to spiritual practice.

Much of our thinking is "Fahrenheit" thinking -- an antiquated feedback loop of the same-old, same-old thoughts held a ga-jillion times before. They arise out of a mind-set that vastly underestimates the power of God's activity in our lives. They are largely limited and negative. They tether our lives and spirits to struggle and strife.

Raising the vibrational level of our thoughts requires a dramatic shift in perspective. It means adopting "Celsius" thinking -- a new mindset calibrated to a higher vibration. And like my friend in the elevator, once we integrate this new consciousness into our being, it's important to stop using the old system.

"Fahrenheit" thinking is obsolete. A "Celsius" mindset aligns us with the infinite power of the universe. Free from the life-zapping thought patterns of lack and limitation, we discover the power of the divine within to create a prosperous, fulfilling life ... and a world that works for all.

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