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Over-analyzing is like chaining ourselves to a dead end sign. Of course, it may be necessary to stop and read the sign, and it can be helpful to reflect on how we arrived there. But these periods are only productive to the degree that they provide insight for the journey ahead.

The older I get, the less I’m inclined to waste energy stuck in dead-end mental loops that spiral into more pointless fretting. Like a 2-year-old who asks “Why?” about everything, there comes a point when Spirit calls us to accept what is, listen for what’s next, and move ahead.

The Apostle Paul puts it this way to the Philippians: “…forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.”

 So here's how to apply Paul's advice: Next time you catch yourself stuck in a mental loop that blocks you from full expression of your divinity, forget it. If anything usurps your ability to be present to God’s ever-unfolding goodness and bounty, seek the good that lies ahead. And if thoughts of lack or insufficiency hinder your movement forward, press on toward the goal.

May the endless loops and dead ends you encounter be transformed into new beginnings.
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