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What does it even mean ... "in the world but not of it?" In Unity, it usually involves some form of "Keeping the high watch," "Seeing the good," "Claiming the blessing," and generally maintaining a positive attitude no matter the appearance. Important work in consciousness, fer sure!
But it's tricky to execute. Positivism can easily be misused to shield or separate ourselves from experiencing pain that's often a part of transformation. Instead of meeting challenges and transcending them, we avoid them. We stop watching the news. We duck uncomfortable conversations. We avoid those who don't share our views.

Someties, that's okay, even healthy, if we use this time apart to align with love, renew our faith, and build spiritual muscle. But we can't stay there. Moses didn't stay on Mount Sinai basking in God's presence. He brought the Ten Commandants down the mountain to face the rebellious corruption of his people. 
Here's a powerful practice for building worldly resilience: Listen for what's missing in news reporting. Listen to discern the deeper truth needing to be brought to light: Where there is strife pray for harmony. Where there is hate, pray for love. Where there is rancor, understanding. Where there is violence, peace. Where there is pain, healing.
Then call these spiritual dynamics forth in yourself. As you shift from consuming news to emboding the divine energies so desperately needed to heal whatever's being reported, your ability to bring divine light to any life experience expands.

Then, like Moses delivering the 10 Commandment, you'll awaken the courage, compassion and authority to speak and be the presence of Truth to all whose lives you bless.


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