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I love storms. Always have: Lightning pierces sky. Thunder shakes earth. Rain blurs windows. Storms can create a visceral experience of God's power. For many, including me, they inspire awe and wonder. Or at least they used to. Over the years they've largely become background noise, a slight distraction from whatever occupies my attention at the moment.

But last night was different. When a particularly loud clap of thunder jolted me out of my tv-induced catatonia, I felt called to a deeper awareness. I asked Alexa to shut everything down and in the dark quiet, I made space for listening. In that space, I rediscovered my awe and wonder, along with a side of joy. 

With intention, we can experience Presence in every moment. It requires a conscious effort to open our hearts and minds to the divine that permeates all creation. With ears attuned to the sacred, we can discern the holy in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary. Every moment, no matter how routine, holds the potential for revelation and connection. By choosing to be present and mindful, we can cultivate a deeper awareness and appreciation for the beauty and mystery that surround us.

Psalm 149:3 invites us to "Praise his name with dancing; make music to him with timbrel and harp." This Sunday, we have a wonderful opportunity to embody this spirit of joy and celebration. Instead of usual  service,  we'll gather on the lawn at 11 a.m. for our "In Tune with You" lawn concert. Our beloved soloists, accompanied by the talented Danny Bauer and members of Safety, Squad will lead us in a music and fellowship. Join us and  experience the divine through song and community, lifting our hearts in praise and dancing out gratitude.

Online and in-person. Click here to for info and to register. 


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