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What if divine guidance is always accessible, even when we feel doubtful, isolated or uncertain? 

I believe it is. We just don't recognize it. When seeking guidance, at some level most of us are looking for burning bushes, angelic revelations, and awesome wonders.  But guidance is not just rare mountain-top epiphanies. It can be. But more often than not, guidance and wisdom are unremarkable. They come dressed in ordinary human experience. 

The hesitation we feel when we’re about to over-commit ourselves is guidance. That flash of self-righteousness may be a signpost on the road to playing victim. Stomach knots are guidance pointing to some need that’s not being met or a boundary being breeched. That scratchy throat is a signal to slow down and eat well. Tightness in the neck and shoulders may well be Spirit saying, “Take a hike,” or “Get your blessed assurance to the gym.”

Every choice is an opportunity to practice following guidance, to make life-giving versus life-depleting choices. And as we learn to trust our intuition in small, everyday matters, we’re doubly blessed: 1) It becomes easier to trust in the divine when making bigger choices; and 2) we open to even greater possibilities for experiencing abundant goodness.

So be alert to the wisdom in ordinary experiences. If you’re feeling less than wonderful, gently call to mind the prayerful affirmation, “Be here now,” then trust whatever’s most alive in you to guide your actions.

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