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For people of faith, the senselessness parade of mass shootings can be faith-shaking.

And yet, even as we struggle to reconcile our belief in an all-powerful, loving God with the pain and injustice of innocents slain, we're called higher. We're called to honor the lives cut short. We called to be a healing presence for their families and loved ones. We're called to look within for shadows of prejudice and intolerance in our own hearts. We're called to surrender to the love that is without end. We're called to find the strength and wisdom necessary for transforming darkness with light. We're called to create a community and world free of violence and hate.

I can't begin to explain how such tragedies fit into a divine plan for good. What I do know is that, in this realm, it's up to those of us who remain to make sure these losses are not in vain. It's up to us to transform the heartbreak and grief of tragedy into healing where there is pain, love where there is hatred, and understanding where there may be desire for revenge.

It can be tempting to cope by blaming, worrying or withdrawing. A better approach, I believe, begins with prayer. It's far more powerful than most realize. It renews hope. It strengthens our resolve. It is the fountainhead of our deepest desires. It shapes our thought patterns and focuses the creative power of intention.

And though we might not fathom how to bring these tragedies to an end, whole-hearted prayer is instructive for discerning our next steps.

So join me in praying that peace and understanding prevail over violence in our world. Pray that God's loving comfort enfolds those who are grieve, their families, neighbors and friends. Pray that our desire for a just and safe community is divinely guided. Pray that we seek to heal the pain and desperation that lie at the root of violent acts, and that our individual and collective responses to tragic death arise from the unconditional love that Jesus so perfectly demonstrated.

Peace is with those who are gone too soon. Through us, may peace come to the world.

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